As the Hurricane nears, we pray for the safety of those who will be affected by its path. We can’t help but remember that only about a year ago our community was devastated by a horrible hurricane. Many of our friends and family lost their homes. Please stay safe!
Reminder to:
Pick up any refills/medications early, do not wait until it starts raining heavily
Store extra water and food
Please only buy the baby food you need, so many families buy out the whole supply and other families get 0 food for their babies.
If you freeze your breast milk and power goes out, and the breast milk starts to thaw, you need to use it up. Buy ice and pack it into your freezer so that it may keep it cooler for longer should power go out.
We have canceled appointments late today and tomorrow for safety. Please don’t drive in heavy rain. If you need a medication, please text us 941-266-5629
